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Senzor umiditate sol,shield,modul, Hygrometer, Higrometru, Arduino uno

8 99 RON
Valabil din 23.03.2024 12:03:36

Senzor umiditate sol

This is a simple water sensor, can be used to detect soil moisture
Module Output is high level when the soil moisture deficit,or output is low
Can be used in module plant waterer device, and the plants in your garden no need people to manage
Operating voltage: 3.3V 5V
Dual output mode,analog output more accurate
A fixed bolt hole for easy installation
With power indicator (red) and digital switching output indicator (green)
Having LM393 comparator chip, stable
Panel PCB Dimension: Approx.3cm x 1.5cm
Soil Probe Dimension: Approx. 6cm x 3cm
Cable Length: Approx.21cm
Interface Description(4-wire):
VCC: 3.3V-5V
DO: digital output interface(0 and 1)
AO: analog output interface
Instructions for Use:
Soil moisture module is most sensitive to the ambient humidity is generally used to detect the moisture content of the soil
Module to reach the threshold value is set in the soil moisture, DO port output high, when the the soil humidity exceeds a set threshold value, the module D0 output low
The digital output D0 can be connected directly with the microcontroller to detect high and low by the microcontroller to detect soil moisture
The digital outputs DO shop relay module can directly drive the buzzer module, which can form a soil moisture alarm equipment
Analog output AO and AD module connected through the AD converter, you can get more precise values of soil moisture (5en50r, in5ta al3x r3d

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