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vince molinaro the leadership contract cum sa devii un lider

30 RON
Valabil din 28.04.2024 06:14:59
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The leadership contract - Vince Molinaro

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Step up, get tough, and commit to your decision to lead The Leadership Contract provides the manual that leaders around the world need. With only seven percent of employees feeling confident in senior leadership, the problem is evident: disappointing, and often disgraceful leaders. Employees deserve better than that; organizations need better than that and this book provides a robust framework for stepping up and making the decision to lead. This new third edition has been updated, featuring a new foreword by Adecco CEO Alain Dehaze, new findings from the Global Leadership Accountability Study, and more insights to help you chart your own path to build strong leadership accountability at a personal and organizational level.
Great leadership doesn t happen by accident. It s more than just being in charge; it s a decision, an obligation and potentially your legacy. Mediocre is no longer good enough in today s business climate, organizations need stellar leadership. If you re not exceptional, step up or step aside this book helps you toughen up and put your commitment to great leadership in writing for yourself as much as everyone else.
Learn how a leadership contract is vital for truly accountable leadership
Discover the mindset and practices needed to be a deliberate and decisive leader
Communicate to inspire, motivate, and drive high performance
Become the leader your organization needs today and into the future
Leadership is not a birthright, not an accident, and not for everyone. It is the only differentiator between an organization s success and failure, and it has been entrusted to you. Can you step up to the challenge? Can you execute strategy while inspiring peak performance, nurturing top talent, managing complexity, creating value, conquering uncertainty, and yes, developing new leaders? Put your name on the line literally by drawing up a contract for leadership accountability. The Leadership Contract provides a proven and practical framework used by companies and leaders around the world. Join them and take your leadership to next level.


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