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chinese massage therapist

Valabil din 26.04.2024 11:19:51

A Chinese massage involves pulling, twisting, turning, and kneading techniques which are thought to help restore energy and harmony within the body.

The focus is on the energy points of the body (energetic meridians) located belong of head and face, neck, shoulder, back, arms, hands and feet.

Unlike Deep Tissue or Sports Massage or Swedish massage, which focus on releasing tight muscular knots by targeting blood flow to the area, Chinese Massage techniques also aim to promote overall health by easing the flow of energy, or QI, around the body.

Chinese massage helps promote blood and lymph flow through the muscles by causing friction between your skin and my hands. This helps dilate the blood vessels to help the increase the flow and remove waste and toxic products from the blood.

So, having a background in chinese massage practice of years and be prepared at QiGong school by Master Adrian Florea, I am waiting to work especially with those who appreciate the quality and benefits of this kind of massage.
Try reflexoterapy, Shiatsu and deep massage. I have been prepared also in limfodermal massage.

I do only clean massage!

My working field is in the North's part of the Bucharest only on your place.

90 min - 50 Euro
60 min - 30 Euro

You can contact me by mobile phone, SMS, WhatsApp, email:

Monday - Friday from 10.00 to 16.00 for a next day(s) schedule.

Thank you! Massage is divine. Trust in my hands.


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