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2 450 000 EUR negociabil 1376 EUR/m2
Valabil din 27.04.2024 07:02:27
Suprafata utila 1780,0 m2

Aparthotel Offering 24 Studio Apartments and 5 Spacious Commercial Spaces for Sale in Old City BucharestAre you looking for the perfect investment opportunity in the heart of Bucharest's historic district? Look no further! An exceptional aparthotel has just hit the market, offering 24 stunning studio apartments and 5 spacious commercial spaces for sale. Each studio apartment is uniquely designed and comes in various sizes, allowing you to choose the perfect one to suit your needs.Situated in Old City Bucharest, renowned for its rich history and vibrant atmosphere, this aparthotel presents an excellent opportunity for those seeking a wise investment in the real estate sector. With its prime location, the property attracts both local and international visitors throughout the year, making it an ideal choice for those looking to maximize their returns.Each studio apartment within this aparthotel is meticulously crafted to offer the utmost comfort and style. Whether you are an individual looking for a cozy living space or a business professional seeking a convenient accommodation option, these apartments cater to all. The different sizes available provide flexibility, ensuring that there is something to suit every potential resident.Moreover, the selling price per square meter is an attractive 3600 euros, inclusive of VAT. This reasonable price allows investors to explore the lucrative real estate market in Bucharest without breaking the bank. Whether you are purchasing a studio apartment for personal use or for rental purposes, this price point allows for a quick return on investment.Additionally, the inclusion of VAT in the pricing eliminates any hidden costs or surprises for potential buyers. With complete transparency, you can feel confident in your purchase decision, knowing that the price you pay is all-inclusive, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free transaction.Furthermore, the commercial spaces available within the aparthotel offer a fantastic opportunity for entrepreneurs and business owners seeking a prime location to establish their enterprise. The bustling Old City Bucharest is a hub of activity, attracting a diverse range of visitors, including tourists and locals alike. By owning a commercial space within the aparthotel, you have a ready-made customer base at your doorstep.The aparthotel's management also ensures that the upkeep and maintenance of the property are taken care of, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of your investment without the headaches of property management. This professional management team will handle everything from reservations to maintenance requests, providing excellent customer service to both residents and renters.In conclusion, the aparthotel in Old City Bucharest offers a golden opportunity for prospective investors to acquire a studio apartment or commercial space in one of the city's most desirable locations. With different sizes available, affordable pricing, and excellent management services, this aparthotel ticks all the boxes for a successful investment. Don't miss out on this chance to become part of Bucharest's thriving real estate market! #investing #realestate #hotel Publi24_1686198672

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