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Amplituner Stereo Receiver marca Yamaha model RX-s75

500 RON negociabil
Valabil din 31.03.2024 23:47:11
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Amplituner [ Receiver ] marca Yamaha model RX-s75 cu Rds in stare foarte buna de functionare si estetica fara probleme. nu am telecomanda

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Info. YAMAHA ACTIVE SERVO TECHNOLOGY Exclusive Yamaha system allows the amp and the speakers to work together to boost the power of a stereo speaker's output . Instead of an ordinary woofer unit, the speaker has a Helmholtz Resonator that intensifies the sound waves inside until they are output as much stronger sounds. Total impedance (resistance to current flow) has to be zero, so the amp's circuitry produces negative impedance, canceling out the speaker impedance. The result is a bass sound that is very powerful. DIGITAL SUPER SURROUND (DSS) Yamaha's Digital Super Surround System recreates the sound of performance venues right in your listening room - - using standard stereo speakers. Select the Classic, Jazz, Rock, or Relaxed (easy listening) mode. 5 INPUTS This amp lets you hook up 5 components (CD, Tuner, Tape, Aux1 and Aux2) providing extensive system connectability. AUTO STATION MEMORY Automatically presets the clearest sounding of your local stations, saving you from having to preset each of them manually. SEPARATE BASS AND TREBLE CONTROLS AUTO TUNING 40 STATION PRESET MEMORY Preset stations can be grouped in five sets of eight, according to AM and FM, or musical genre, or any order you desire. 10 KEY DIRECT SEARCH Recall from memory up to 10 preset stations, right from your remote. Publi24_1667757770

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